Training and Curriculum
Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Marseille, Dr. Velemir completed his specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology from 2002 to 2007 in the University Hospital Center of Clermont-Ferrand, recognized for its excellence in laparoscopic gynecological surgery and the treatment of pelvic floor disorders (urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse).
During his specialization, Dr. Velemir formed in gynecological surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, breast and cancer surgery, obstetrics, fetal medicine and medically assisted reproduction.
From 2007 to 2009 he was Head of Clinic, Assistant in Professor Jacquetin Service where he was able to improve in the management of high risk pregnancies and complicated deliveries and in the surgery for urinary incontinence and genital prolapse (organ descent).
Doctor Velemir has an idependent practice in Nice since 2010.
Activities performed
Gynecological, breast and cancer surgery
Monitoring of pregnancy and childbirth
Gynecological and Obstetric Ultrasound
Urodynamic evaluation
Management of the couple’s infertility
Languages spoken: French, English, Serbo-Croatian, Russian
Medical approach
Personalize care
« I think we need to move away from systematic protocols and have a personalized approach. Because every patient is unique, with its own course and a different experience, for a treatment to be sucessful, it must be adjusted to the person receiving care and accepted by her. We must allow the patient to have an informed choice. That is why I attach great importance to the discussion during the consultation, from which should come out mutual trust and a joint decision. »
Think biosurgery
« I operate by trying to minimize tissue trauma while promoting opportunities for natural regeneration. To do so, I adapt the surgical technique to the patient and use the least invasive existing methods for optimal recovery. »
For gynecological surgery, I favour :
Fast-track : all the processes surrounding the operation and allowing a fast recovery
Laparoscopy : ultra-precise surgery, minimized pain, almost invisible scars
The vaginal route : minimized pain, no visible scar
For breast cancer, I favour :
Oncoplastic techniques allowing breast conservation
The sentinel lymph node technique
For obstetrics I favour :
The physiological birth and skin-to-skin contact
Modern caesarean techniques (Starck-Cohen, extraperitoneal)
« Medicine is changing rapidly and it is important to continue to evaluate and train oneself to offer patients quality care. Thus I participate every year at conventions, colloquiums and meetings to integrate into my practice the latest medical advances. I work in an efficient team, sharing the same values and use tools and a technical support offering all the necessary medical safety ».
Holistic approach
« Modern medicine is very successful in the treatment of many diseases but we should not forget the achievements of our ancestors who treated by natural and gentle methods. I believe in the complementarity of alternative approaches. That’s why I work with caregivers specialized in osteopathy, homeopathy, naturopathy, sophrology and hypnotherapy. I think that we should not overlook the psychological and psychosomatic aspect of certain ills hence also collaboration with psychologists ».
Areas of particular interest
Scientific communications
Dr. Velemir has participated in several team projects that have resulted in publications in specialized magazines or in conferences communications. They are listed hereunder by topic.
Velemir, A-S Azuar, R Botchorishvili, M Canis, K Jardon, B Rabischong, et al. Optimisation du rôle des aides opératoires lors d’une hystérectomie laparoscopique. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2009
Velemir L., Nohuz E, Cotte B, Pouly JL. Traitement coeliochirugical de la grossesse extra-utérine. Chirurgie coelioscopique en gynécologie. Ed Masson, Paris 2007
Botchorishvili R, Velemir L., Wattiez A, Tran X, Bolandard F, Rabischong B, et al. Coelioscopie et coeliochirurgie: principes généraux et instrumentation. EMC (Elsevier Masson SAS, Paris), Techniques chirurgicales – Gynécologie, 41-515-A, 2007.
Velemir L. Nouvelles tendances en chirurgie de la statique pelvienne. GYNOVATIONS. Monaco, 2011
Velemir L., Fatton B. Incontinence urinaire de la femme: différentes options de traitement et nouveautés. GYNAZUR. Nice, 2011
Velemir, J. Amblard, B. Fatton, D. Savary, B. Jacquetin. Transvaginal mesh repair of anterior and posterior vaginal wall prolapse: a clinical and ultrasonographic study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009
Velemir, B Fatton, B Jacquetin. Mesh retraction: how to assess, how to prevent, how to manage. IUGA Annual Congress. Workshop #2, Como, 2009
Velemir L.Place de l’’échographie dans l’’évaluation et la prise en charge des séquelles douloureuses après chirurgie prothétique. FMC SIFUD-PP. Marseille, juin 2009
B.Fatton, L. Velemir, D.Savary, J.Amblard, B.Jacquetin. Is sling plication effective to correct SUI after suburethral sling in patients with inadequate initial tensioning? IUGA Annual Congress. Como, 2009
Fatton B, Savary D, Velemir L. Obstructive suburethral mass following injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009
Amblard J, Velemir L, Savary D, Fatton B, Debodinance P, Jacquetin B. Réparation du prolapsus génital par la technique du Prolift: une technique reproductible ? J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2009
Fatton B, Savary D, Velemir L., Amblard J, Accoceberry M, Jacquetin B. Sexualité après chirurgie du prolapsus génital. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2009;37:140-59.
Velemir L, Amblard J, Savary D, Fatton B, Jacquetin B. Apport de l’’échographie dans l’’évaluation des résultats après cure prothétique de cystocèle et de rectocèle par voie vaginale selon la procédure Prolift. Société de Chirurgie Gynécologique et Pelvienne. Reims, 2008
Savary D, Fatton B, Velemir L., Amblard J, Jacquetin B. Quoi de neuf sur l’utilisation des prothèses vaginales dans la réparation des prolapsus pelviens ? Revue de la littérature depuis le rapport de l’HAS. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 2008
Velemir L., Amblard J, Jacquetin B, Fatton B. Urethral erosion after suburethral synthetic slings: risk factors, diagnosis, and functional outcome after surgical management. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2008
Velemir L., Amblard J, Savary D, Fatton B, Jacquetin B. Apport de l’’échographie dans l’’évaluation des résultats après cure prothétique de cystocèle et de rectocèle par voie vaginale selon la procédure Prolift®. SIFUD-PP. Biarritz, 2008
Velemir L., Amblard J, Savary D, Fatton B, Jacquetin B. La réparation du prolapsus par voie vaginale avec kit prothétique est-elle reproductible ? Comparaison prospective monocentrique entre chirurgiens vaginalistes experts et juniors. SIFUD-PP. Biarritz, 2008
Krief, L. Velemir, C. Boda, J. Niro, B. Fatton, A. Mansoor. Cure de cystocèle par prothèse en polypropylène intervésico-vaginale et sexualité féminine. SIFUD-PP. Biarritz, 2008
Velemir, B Fatton, J Amblard, D Savary, B Jacquetin. Ultrasonographic assessment of polypropylene implants after transvaginal repair of cystocele and/or rectocele with the Prolift® kit. IUGA Annual Congress. Taipei, 2008.
Velemir, M Krief, D Savary , B Fatton, C Boda, A Mansoor. Sexual impact of transvaginal cystocele repair using an unfixed intervesicovaginal polypropylene mesh. IUGA Annual Congress. Taipei, 2008.
Amblard J, Velemir L., Jacquetin B. Prise en charge des érosions urétrales après frondes synthétiques sous urétrales. 27ème congrès de la Société Internationale Francophone d’UroDynamique. Bucarest, 2004
Velemir L., Krief M, Matsuzaki S, Rabischong B, Jardon K, Botchorishvili R, et al. Physiopathologie de l’’endométriose. EMC (Elsevier Masson SAS, Paris), Gynécologie, 149-A-05, 2008
Pouly JL, Canis M, Velemir L., Brugnon F, Rabischong B, Botchorichvili R, et al. L’infertilité liée à l’endométriose. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 2007
Canis M, Velemir L. Endometriosis: Why is it painful? 15th annual congress of European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy. Strasbourg, 2006
Delabaere A, Favre N, Velemir L. et al. Pediatric outcome after selective feticide for 30 complicated monochorionic twin pregnancies. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2013 Feb
Velemir L., Delabaere A., Laurichesse-Delmas H., Accoceberry M., Lemery D, Gallot D. Selective feticide in complicated MC twin pregnancies: a series of 25 consecutive cases with pediatric follow-up. Eurofetus Meeting. Leuven, 2008
Gallot D, Coste K, Jani J, Roubliova X, Marceau G, Velemir L., Verheyen A, Lemery D, Sapin V, Deprest J. Effects of maternal retinoic acid administration in a congenital diaphragmatic hernia rabbit model. Pediatr Pulmonol 2008
Velemir L., Marceau G, Coste K, Jani J, Roubliova X, Deprest J, et al. Effets pulmonaires de l’administration maternelle ou intratrachéale d’acide rétinoïque dans un modèle chirurgical de hernie diaphragmatique et d’occlusion trachéale. Journées Francophones de Recherche en Obstétrique et Gynécologie. Paris, 2006
Velemir L., Tran X, Ouvry D, Gallot D, Lémery D. Intérêt et place du score de Manning dans l’évaluation du bien-être fœtal. Vocation sage-femme 2004
Velemir L., Gallot D, Laurichesse H, Lémery D. Foeticide sélectif par occlusion funiculaire dans les grossesses monochoriales : à propos de 18 cas. 34ème journées de la Société Française de Médecine Périnatale. Dijon, 2004
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